The Donkey

Miniature Donkeys | Mammoth Jacks | Pygmy Domkeys
Andalusian & Maltese Donkeys | Catalonian Donkeys | Poitou Donkeys

The donkeys of Ceylon are so small, they are officially called Pygmy Donkeys, and most animals there are smaller than the mainland animals - even the people are smaller. Columbus brought jacks and jennets on his third and fourth voyages to the New World, as there were no asses present prior to that time. These little animals came to be known as "burros" by the Spanish-speaking explorers and settlers. Today, west of the Mississippi River, standard donkeys are called burros, while east they are called donkeys. This term is reserved by the American Donkey and Mule Society for feral animals caught in western states.

The size standards of American donkeys are as follows:

For more information, visit:

Published in two parts, August and September 1994 in NorthWest Breyer Horse Club Newsletter. (em)

Animated horse-drawn wagon © 1994-2018 NW Breyer Horse Club
& Refiner of Gold Creations

Equinealities in place since 1997,
Section in place 2001,
Updated 2/19/2018
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