The Donkey

Miniature Donkeys | Mammoth Jacks | Pygmy Domkeys
Andalusian & Maltese Donkeys | Catalonian Donkeys | Poitou Donkeys

The Catalonian seems to have originated in the Pyrenees Mountains of Spain and France. they range from 14 1/2 to 16 hands high, and are excellent breeders, leggy, light in the body, medium size, very flat and clean bone, have great style and beauty and action. They come in brown, black and grey. The Majorcas came from the island of Majorca, and average about one inch taller than the Catalonian breed. They have larger bone and body, and are more uniform in size. Majorcas are black and they are of a more draft type and have a sluggish disposition. Majorcas are nearly extinct.

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Published in two parts, August and September 1994 in NorthWest Breyer Horse Club Newsletter. (em)

Animated horse-drawn wagon © 1994-2018 NW Breyer Horse Club
& Refiner of Gold Creations

Equinealities in place since 1997,
Section in place 2001,
Updated 2/19/2018
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