Animated horse-drawn wagon Equinality Lexicon

| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

Aaechen one of the chief world centers for show jumping with a purpose-built stadium just outside the city equipped with excellent exercise areas, blocks of permanent stabling, a large covered grandstand and uncovered seating.
  • Erected just after World War II
  • Audience capacity of 50,000
  • Most popular with world riders, attracting 15-20 full international teams
  • The Nations' Cup is a reliaable guide to world form.
  • The Grand Prix is for Olympic-standard horses.
account forto kill a fox
accoutrements this is the tack (saddles, bridles and bits) worn by the horse
acey deucy riding with one stirrup leather longer than the other, a style sometimes adopted by jockeys in the U.S. to help them keep their balance on sharp bends
acting master a person appointed temporarily to organize a hunt, either for a day, or for a longer period pending the appointment of a permanent master
against the clock in show-jumping--a competition or jump-off decided by time, the winner being the competitor with the least number of faults in the fastest time
aged considered by some it is an older horse, usually over 10 years; by examination of the horse's teeth, it is a horse which is seven years old or more
aging Act of determining the age of the horse by examination of its six inciros teeth:
  • Full mouth when all permanent molars have erupted
  • Age then assesed by wear on surface of incisors and by angle at which they meet upper jaw
  • Age may be determined accurately up to about the age of 8; afterwards, system has less precision
  • Note: Thoroughreds likely to be born around first of year and other breeds in spring; age of Thoroughbreds deemed year older on January 1, other breeds on May 1
  • Oldest recorded horse, Old Billy, died at age 62
  • Typically, maturity occurs between 6 and 7 years of age; prime at 8 years
  • Most may be worked hard unto 12 to 14 years of age, with light work until 20 or possibly later in some cases.
aid any of the signals used by a rider to give instruction to his horse; see also artificial aids, diagonal aids, lateral aids, lower aids, natural aids, upper aids
air above the ground any of the various high school movements performed either with the forelegs or with the fore and hind legs off the ground; see also ballotade, capriole, courbette, croupade, levade
albino a color type, rather than a breed, comprising pure white hair, pale skin an dpale translucent eyes
all on a hunting term used by the whipper-in to let the huntsman know all the hounds are up with the pack
all-round cow horse a horse which is skilled at carrying out all the duties required of it by a cowboy
also-ran any unplaced horse in a race
alter to castrate a horse or colt, thus rendering it sterile
amble a slow gait in two time in which the horse's hind and foreleg on the same side are moved forward together
ambler Old English word for a Pacer (see Pacer)
ankle is an alternative word for the fetlock joint
ante-post betting the placing of bets on a race, at an agreed price prior to the day of the race
anvil (a) a heavy iron block with a smooth flat face, usually of steel, on which horseshoes are shaped; (b) (Western US) a horse, particularly one which is shod, which strikes the forefeet with the hind feet
appointment card a card sent out to interested parties by the hunt secretary informing them of the time, date and place of forthcoming meets
apprentice a youth who is being trained as a jockey and serves as indentured apprenticeship of five to seven years
apron a covering made of strong horse-hide worn by farriers to protect the front of the body whilst shoeing a horse
arena the area in which a horseshow or show-jumping competition is held
artificial aids items such as whipe, spurs, and martingales which are used by the rider to help convey instructions to the horse
as hounds ran the distance covered in a hunt by hounds
asking the question asking a horse to make a supreme effort when it is being pushed to its limit in competition events, such as racing, show-jumping or combined training
at bay the position of hounds when kept off the quarry
automatic timing an electrical apparatus used for show-jumping events; the horse breaks an electronic ray as it goes through the start, triggering off the mechanism which starts the clock; as it goes through the finish it breaks a similar device which stops the clock
autorisation speciale a pink card issued to a rider by his national equestrian federation permitting him to compete in an international dressage, show jumping or combined training event
autumn double the Cesarewitch Stakes and the Cambridgeshire Stakes-- two racing events held annually at Newmarket, England in the autumn

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