- Diameter is 865,000 miles (1,392,000 km)
- It is approximately 100 times the diameter of the earth.
- It is nearly 10 times the diameter of Jupiter.
- Mass is 333,000 times greater than Earth
- Volume is 1.3 million times that of Earth
- Mean distance from Earth is 149,600,000 km.
- Average temperature is 11,000°F --
- At the core, the temperature is estimated to be about 30,000,000°F.
- At the surface (photosphere), the temperature is estimated to be about 10,000°:F (5,700°C).
- In the corona, the temperature is estimated to be about 1,000,000°:-3,000,000°:F.
- Rotation takes 30 days --
- Mean sidereal rotation period is 25.38 days.
- Mean synodic rotation period is 27.28 days.
- Revolution takes 250 million years.
- Escape velocity is 617.3 km/sec.
- Apparent magnitutde is -26.8
- Absolute magnitude is 4.8
- Density:
- At the core, its density is about 20 times that of earth.
- At the surface, its density is about 1/50th of that of earth.
- Mean density is 1.41 times that of water.
- The sun is comprised of an interior (core) and photosphere.
- The photosphere is about 200 miles thick and has an average temperature of 10,000°F.
- The solar atmosphere is comprised of:
- A chromosphere which reaches several thousand miles above the photosphere.
- A corona which extends another several million miles above the choromosphere.
- An increase in distance above the photosphere rapidly increases the temperature to well over a million degrees Fahrenheit.
- The sun is extremely gaseous:
- It is mostly comprised of hydrogen.
- Most of the remainder is helium.
- Then small parts of oyxgen, nitrogen, carbon.
- And trace amounts of copper, gold, iron, and lead particles in the coller parts of the chromosphere.
- Compared to other stars, the Sun is tiny; astromoers have located a star that is more than 3,500 times larger than the Sun.