Kid's Korner

April 1998

Our mascot has a new name -- Happy Harold!
"Happy Harold says "Eat Your Grains!"
kids4-98.JPG - 15,874 Bytes

Fill in the following colors:
albino appaloosa bay brown
black blue roan buckskin champagne
chestnut claybank cream dun
gray grulla isabella overo
palomino red roan sabino sorrel
puzz4-98.JPG - 21,333 Bytes

Published April 1998 in the North West Breyer Horse Club newsletter.
More in the next newsletter.

For more information visit:

Animated horse-drawn wagon © 1997-2007 NW Breyer Horse Club
& Refiner of Gold Creations

Equinealities in place since 1997,
Section in place 2001,
Updated 2/10/2007
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