
Polish Anglo-Arab

  • 15.3-16.2 hands
  • eyes wide-set
  • face tends toward concaveness
  • strong muscular body
Odd Facts
  • Honest and willing worker
  • useful under saddle and in harness


An all-around horse bred in the southeast of Poland, it was developed from primative local horses (descended from the Tarpan) that were crossed with Arab and Thoroughbred blood.

Physical Description:

There is good width between the eyes with a tendency toward a concave face, and the body is strong and muscular, but not deep.

Other Facts:

An elegant horse with a lean frame, it has great powers of endurance and is conservative with fodder. Used extensively by farmers as an all-around horse, the Malapolski man be used to tend the land, act as transportation or be ridden. It is in high demand with 300 stallions at state studs and more than 800 privately owned stallions.

Also known as the Polish Anglo-Arab, the Malapolski is a horse of the dolichomorphic type. It is a relatively recent breed and has been greatly influenced by Oriental blood. In addition, there have also been contributions from the English Thoroughbred, the Furioso, and the Gidran Arabian of Hungary. As a result, there are two distinct versions of the breed. The Sadecki is mainly influenced by the Furioso, while the Darbowsko-Tarnowski has received a more decisive contribution from the Gidran. There are also many points of similarity in common with the Wielkopolski, the difference being that appearance appears greatly according to the region where it is reared. Today, the Malapolski is of national importance to Poland.

This noteworthy horse has excellent jumping abilities, and thus performs well in sporting competitions. A horse of great stamina, the Malapolski makes a good riding horse, and does well for light draft. It has a calm and well-balanced temperament.

The Malapolski stands 15.3 to 16.2 hands high at the withers, and may be bay, brown, black, chestnut, grey, or roan in color. Its well-proportioned head has a straight profile. Its neck is of good length, and it has prominent withers. Its back is long and straight, and the croup is slightly sloping. It has a wide, deep chest, and the shoulder is long and sloping. The long, well-muscled legs have good joints and a well-formed foot of tough horn.

The Polish Anglo-Arab has an aptitude as a riding horse and for light draft, and he is a good jumper and he has great stamina. His temperament is calm and well-balanced. He stands 15.3-16.2 hands high at the withers, and his coat may be bay, brown, black, chestnut, gray or roan. He has a well-proportioned head with a straight profile, and his neck is of a good length, with prominent withers. His back is long and straight, and his croup slightly sloping. He has a wide and deep chest, and his shoulder is long and sloping. His legs are long and well-muscled, with good joints, and he has a well-formed hood of tough horn.

This relatively recently developed breed has been greatly influenced by Oriental blood, English Thoroughbred, the Furioso and the Gidran. There are two distinct divisions - the Sadecki, which is mainly influenced by the Furioso, and the Darbowsko-Tarnowski, which has received more contributions from the Gidran. This breed is somewhat related to the Wielkopolski, the differences in appearance varying greatly according to the region in which the horse was reared. The Malapolski performs well in sporting competitions due to his good jumping skills.

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