Roans |
These colors are produced by a base color intermingled with white hairs throughout the horse's coat. Hair of a mixed color or an actual "roan hair" does not exist. White hair of a roan horse is not caused by an absence of pigment in the hide, as in albinos or white markings. White hairs are solid, without a shaft opening in the center to allow pigment to enter the hair. Roan coloring does not grow lighter or darker with age and is not caused by receding pigmentation, as in grey horses. Variously described by the base color, as bay roan, red roan, etc., base color means any solid color exclusive of white hair. Blue roan differs in having a black base color, which is intermingled with white hairs to give the blue appearance. Heads of roans will be solid-colored, as will be the lower legs. Manes and tails will usually correspond to the base color, and though unusual, they are sometimes the same roan color.
Look for an update on this article with genetic information soon.
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Published August 1997 in the North West Breyer Horse Club newsletter.
© 1997-2019 NW Breyer Horse Club
& Refiner of Gold Creations
Equinealities in place since 1997, Section in place 2001, Updated 1/27/2019