Animated horse-drawn wagon

"Equinealities" Articles

Welcome to the Refiner's N.W.B.H.C. equine breed article archives. This site contains a listing of the Equinealities articles published in the NWBHC Newsletter. Equinealities stands for "Equine Personalities" and these are represented in the breed, color and morphological type characteristics of horses, donkeys, mules, zebras and other equine family members. The term Equinealities was coined by club members as a column title for all articles in this category. Also included here are articles on mythological equines, lore and legends, and tidbits of equinological interest.

Some articles were submitted by club members and, if handwritten, they were typed into electronic form and printed as is. Articles submitted from other media were used as resources. Publication of previously published material may have been unintentional, although resources have been credited where known and/or permission for reprinting has been given.

For information on breeds or other equine information not found here, visit:

~ Equine links ~ | ~ Lexicon ~ | ~ Poems ~ | ~ Bibliography ~

© 1997-2018 NW Breyer Horse Club & Refiner of Gold Creations
Equinealities in place since 1997, Section in place 2001, Updated 2/19/2018
Mule Team