Russian Heavy Draft

This breed of brachymorphic type, has been gradually developed over the last hundred years. Local Ukraine mares have been crossed with stallions of various heavy draft breeds, as the Swedish Ardennes, the Belgian Heavy Draft, and the Percheron, as well as Orlov. The strong and hardy Russian Heavy Draft was specifically created for agricultural work, and it displays a powerful and harmonious conformation. This robust and lively breed has a supple flowing action, both at the walk and at the trot. With a quiet and energetic temperament, this regionally important drafter has an aptitude for heavy draft and farm work.

The Russian Heavy Draft stands at 14.1 to 15 hands high and may be chestnut, roan or bay. The average-sized head has a straight or slightly convex profile, a broad forehead and full forelock. the ears are pointed and eyes lively. Its muscular and arched neck is of average length, with a full and flowing mane, and the withers are low and broad. It has a short, straight back, wide and muscular loins, and powerful flanks. The tail is long and full, and the wide croup is slightly sloping. It has a deep chest, sloping and powerful should and well-rounded ribs, and the abdomen is tucked up. The short legs are lightly feathers and the thighs well-muscled. It has tough hooves.

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