Planets in Order of Distance from the Sun
- 865,000 miles (1,392,000 km) in diameter
- Temperature is 11,000°F
- Rotation takes 30 days.
- Revolution takes 250 million years.
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- 3,031 miles (4,878 km) in diameter
- 36,000,000 miles (57.9 million km) from the sun
- Temperature is -315°F to 700°F
- Mercury has no moons.
- Rotation takes 58.5 days.
- Revolution takes 88 days.
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- 7,700 miles (12,392 km) in diameter
- 67,250,000 miles (108.2 million km) from the sun
- Temperature is 891°F
- Venus has no moons.
- Rotation takes 243 days.
- Revolution takes 225 days.
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- 7,927 miles (12,757 km) in diameter
- 93,000,000 miles (149.6 million km) from the sun
- Temperature is 80°F
- The Earth has one moon.
- Rotation takes 23 hours 56 minutes.
- Revolution takes 365.25 days.
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- 4,200 miles (6,579 km) in diameter
- 141,700,000 miles (227.9 million km) from the sun
- Temperature is -197°F to 72°F
- Mars has two moons.
- Rotation takes 24 hours 37 minutes.
- Revolution takes 687 days.
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Asteroid Belt
- 88,700 miles (142,700 km) in diameter
- 483,700,000 miles (778.3 million km) from the sun
- Temperature is -225°F
- Jupiter has 63 satellites.
- Rotation takes 9 hours 35 minutes.
- Revolution takes 12 years.
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- 74,600 miles (120,000 km) in diameter
- 885,200,000 miles (1,429 million km) from the sun
- Temperature is -285°F
- Saturn has 62 satellites.
- Rotation takes 10 hours 39 minutes.
- Revolution takes 29.5 years.
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- 31,570 miles (50,800 km) in diameter
- 1,781,000,000 miles (2,875 million km) from the sun
- Temperature is -375°F
- Uranus has 27 natural satellites.
- Rotation takes 17 hours 20 minutes.
- Revolution takes 84 years.
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- 30,200 miles (48,600 km) in diameter
- 2,788,000,000 miles (4,504 million km) from the sun
- Temperature is -366°F
- Neptune has thirteen natural satillites.
- Rotation takes 16 hours.
- Revolution takes 165 years.
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- 1,600 miles (2,575 km) in diameter
- 3,660,000,000 miles (5,900 million km) from the sun
- Temperature is -386°F
- Pluto has three natural satillies.
- Rotation takes 6.5 days.
- Revolution takes 284 years.
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Sources for these pages on Our Solar System include:
- 1992 Solar System Facts
- Brewer, Duncan. Planet Guides. New Tork: Marshall Cavendish Limited. 1992. Titles in the series: Mercury and the Sun; Venus; Planet Earth and the Universe; Mars; Jupiter; Saturn; The Outer Planets: Uranus, Neptune and Pluto; and Comets, Asteroids and Meteorites.
- Ridpath, Ian. American Nature Guides: Astronomy. New York: Gallery Books, W.H. Smith Publishers, Inc. 1990.