Meet the Webmaster
I enjoy collecting model horses and other things, many of which are very unrelated. For information on model horse hobby see the North West Breyer Horse Club. If you'd like information on horses in general, you may go directly to the
Equinalities articles, many of which I have compiled information for while publishing the
I have a big marble collection, which inspired me to collect various data for a
Marble Page (actually a whole collection of pages). For those of you who have been enjoying it already, I apologize that I had to move this collection around so much (I think this will be much more permanent now). I'm sorry that I don't have any photos of my own collection to share yet, but I have many references to other sites who have beautiful marbles to look at (and some for sale).
I graduated 1999 from Lower Columbia College in Longview, Washington, USA. My studies included computer information systems and general coursework in social sciences, mathematics, geology and physics. While my future plans include furthering my education, I was then employed as an Human Resources and Safety Administrative Assistant which offered me greater stability for a time.
During my college studies at LCC, I offered personal one-on-one computer skill tutoring and have taught residents in the HUD Neighborhood Network Computer Lab located at
Westgate Terrace from May of 1997 until 2000. It is the 17th Learning center to be established in the state of Washington and the first to have computers operating and its residents having access to the Internet and many had e-mail by December 1997. Now many more have joined in on the fun are are getting into learning about the Internet.
I have been fortunate to have a wide variety of computer software programs available for me to familiarize myself with. I have utilized these skills in the design and layout of the shortlived "Between Friends" newspaper (renamed from the previous version which was a newsletter) for the volunteers of
R.S.V.P. and the local United Way agencies. Unfortuantely, funds were short and the newspaper was only published for 2 months. It was, however, appreciated by every volunteer agency of the United Way group, and many were ready to stand behind it before the plug was pulled by a major sponsor. Let us hope that it may again see publication (the newsletter format may have been reinstated, but not the newspaper format).
Note: As soon as I locate a website for the local R.S.V.P., I will supply a link.
In 2002, I returned to Lower Columbia College to complete 2 Associates in Applied Science degrees in Computer Information Systems. I had originally started out for these degrees when I first started in 1994, but decided that the Associates in Arts and Sciences (Transfer Plan B) was of primary importance. With the completion of these degrees as Applications Specialist and Programming Specialist, I began to see my goals becoming more achievable.
Since August 2005, I have been an active member in the php-Nuke and phpBB communities, and I provide code modifications and support through ROG BBtoNuke Mods. I have been active in the development of BonusNuke and Creative CMS. I have also converted a number of themes to BonusNuke. If you are interested in computer games, you may want to visit my Arcade Oasis (registration required, but it is free). I have also completed imagesets for styles at Fully Modded PhpBB and various imagesets for php-nuke themes as requested.
Websites owned by a few of my friends:

In January 2006, I started working on my Liberal Arts degree at Washington State University Vancouver. In May 2008, I participated in the graduation ceremony for WSU Vancouver graduates for the current academic session. My official graduation date is listed as August 2008.
In the future, I will look into furthering my education with the goal of achieving both a Master's degree, and maybe get that Computer Science degree that I pushed for while at LCC.

Aunt Outa's lucky finds.

2002 Graduation flowers courtesy of my friends at JH Kelly LLC

Aunt Outa's lucky finds.
Tune ~ "Scotland The Brave"