- Diameter of Saturn is:
- Equatoral diameter is about 75,000 miles (120,700 km).
- Polar diameter is about 67,500 miles (108.630 km).
- Distance is 885,200,000 miles (1,429 million km) from the sun
- Average temperature is -288°F (-178°C)
- Saturn has at least 24 moons.
- Largest moon, Titan, has an atmosphere and is larger than Mercury.
- Rotation takes 10 hours 41 minutes.
- Revolution takes 29.4 years (29 years, 167.25 days).
- Density is 0.7 times that of water.
- Yellowish color when seen in the night sky.
- Numerous bands encircle its equator.
- Planet largely comprised of liquid hydrogen and helium.
- Core may be rocky and somewhat larger than earth.
- Atmosphere is dense and is mostly hydroden with lesser amounts of helium, ammonia, methane and other gases.
- Saturn is best known for its beautiful rings, which are made up of tiny particles of ice.