The Moon
- Diameter is 2,160 miles (3,746 km)
- Average distance is 238,000 miles (387,000 km) from Earth
- Distance varies from 221.463 50 252.710 miles
- Temperature ranges between -240°F (1515°C) and 220°F (105°C)
- The Moon has no atmosphere.
- Rotation is 27.3 days (655.2 hours)
- Revolution is 27.3 days
- Period between full moons is 29.5 days
- Density is 3.3
- Direction of orbit is west to east.
- Orbital axis is tilted 5° 8'
- Surface gravity is 1/6 that of Earth
- Area is 14,000,000 square miles, about 1/14 that of Earth
- The gravitational pull of the Moon's orbit is the primary cause of Earth's tides.
- The Moon's orbit also affects movements in Earth's atmoshpere and land masses, as well as minor variations in Earth's magnetic field.
- Surface rocks are igneous -- primarily of basalt, aluminum-rich anorthosite, and a radioactive rock unlike any found on Earth.
- Lunar rock samples comprise of high percentages of titanium, scandium, zirconium, and other metals with high melting points.
- Rock and soil samples lack water, organisms and fossils of organisms.
- Regolith, several feet of lunar soil formed by continual meteorite bombarment, is a fine powder.
- On the Moon it is always silent because there is no air to carry sound waves.