Some Little Facts
- The first American horse race track, called New Market, was established in 1665 near what is now Elmont, New York.
- The Percheron is the most widley used breed of horse in circuses.
- When two palominos are mated, the odds are 50% that the foal will be palomino.
- By the time a young horse reaches 5 years of age, its permanent teeth have replaced the temporary teeth.
- The first definitive records of man riding a horse date back to 1600 B.C.
- The Morgan is the oldest of the American horse breeds.
- Horses were first domesticated about 5,000-6,000 years ago in the mountains bordering the Black and Caspian Seas.
With flowing tail and flying mane
With nostrils never stretch'd in pain.
Mouths bloodless to the bit or rein;
and feet that iron never shod,
And flanks inscar'd by spur or rod,
A thousand horse - the wild - the free
Like waves that follow o'er the sea -
Came thickly thundering on.
George Gordon, Lord Byron
A little neglect may breed mischief:
For want of a nail the shoe is lost,
For want of a shoe the horse was lost,
For want of a horse the rider was lost,
For want of a rider tha battle was lost,
For want of a battle the kingdom was lost,
and all for the want of a horseshoe nail.
Question & Answer
In our last newsletter, we asked 4 different questions and asked if you could answer them. We received answers for all but Q #1, which I will ask again. The answers we received are:
Q #2. How long is the Kentucky Derby track?
A. It is 1 1/4 mile with 1 1/2 miles long on the track.
Q #3. What does "roach" mean (horses)?
A. This means to clip the mane next to the skin with clippers or scissors. Another term is to 'Hog" a mane (a cowboy term). Roached manes are popular with ropers and speed event riders. Appaloosas used to be shown with roached manes, but not so much now.
Q #4. Hybrid is what?
A. A Hybrid is a cross between 2 different genotypes, and are usualyl sterile. However there have been a few instances of fertility in mules. Sterility is because of a difference in the amount of choromosomes. A mule is a hybrid cross between a horse and a donkey. Zebrules and Zonkeys are crosses between zebras and horses, and zebras and donkeys.
The more correct terms are "Zebroids" (often called "Zorses") and "Zedonks"
Questions for this time are:
- What was Theodore Roosevelt's nickname? (you should know this one!)
- What is Cold Blooded? Give some breeds
- Who was Greyhound?
(Answers next newsletter.)
More Bits 'N' Pieces about real horses in the
next newsletter.
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