Bits 'N' Pieces About Real HorsesDecember 1993 |
More than 100 wild Kiger mustangs though to be some of the most pure Spanish mustangs on the Western range, were to be 'adopted' the weekend of October 16, 1993 at the Harney Country Farigrounds in Burns, OR.
"This is the largest number of Kigers the BLM has ever had in the corrals," said Cody Hansen, BLM area manager. "There won't be another Kiger mustang adoption for at least three to four years."
The Bureau of Land Management will use a lottery to pick from more than 750 previously selected applicants who want one of the horses. Those chosen will pay a $125 adoption fee for a mature Kiger.
"Kigers sell for between $2,000 and $4,000 on the market," said Josh Warburton of Frenchglen, OR, who owns and trains Kigers.
The animals recently were gathered from the Kiger and Riddle Mountain Herd Management areas southeast of Burns, according to Mark Armstrong, BLM public affais specialist.
"We put the excess horses up for adoption under BLM's Adopt-A-Horse Program," said Armstrong. The lottery to select the final applicants was held Friday, October 15, 1993 at 6 p.m. They selected from 130 Kigers the following morning at 9.
Private organizations, such as the Kiger Mesteno Association, Breyer Animals Creations, Kiger Mustang Ranch and Western Heritage Enterprises, are sponsoring a variety of events, including hosremanship clinincs and demonstrations and a barbecue and banquet.
BLM provided transportation between the fairgrounds and corrals.
Interest in the mustangs has grown rapidly. Three years ago, the first lottery of 27 Kigers attracted 60 applicants. This adoption drew applicants from as far away as Texas and Florida.
Icelandic Horse in Rose Parade -- Do you watch the Rose Parade on January 1st from Pasadena, CA?
This year the parade theme is 'Fantastic Adventure' and the Icelandic Horse Adventure Society will be in the parade on their Icelandic mounts. The riders and horses will be dressed in various costumes, VIkings, princesses, sorcerers and others. Come January 1, citizens throughout the country will be able to see these sturdy and surefooted horses in the parade. (We only hope they will cover the horses in the parade -- usually they skip the horses or go past them so fast, you can't tell what is going on. Keep your fingers Crossed, and watch the Rose Parade!)
More Bits 'N' Pieces next newsletter.
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