Kids Korner

August 1999

Happy Harold says, "Let's have fun." kids8-99.JPG - 28,611 Bytes

Word Match

1 used for controlling your horseA saddle
2 a comfortable seat for ridingB pack saddle
3 used when lounging your horseC cinch
4 multi-purpose head gearD reins
5 strap to hold saddle on horseE long lead rope
6 specialized saddle for gearF halter


In some countries horseshoes are hung on doors for good luck; Some believe the open end must be up so luck won't run out.

Know your breeds, multiple choice

1 A popular breed of riding horse.
a Brabantb Arabianc Falabella
2 Drafter bred in Scotland.
a Suffolkb Ardennaisc Clydesdale
3 Excellent rodeo competition horse.
a QHb Tbc ASB
4 Popular sport horse breed.
a Schleswigb Caspianc Dutch WB
5 The Noriker is bred in ___.
a Hollandb Germanyc Poland
6 The Nez Perce specialized in these horses.
a pintosb Appaloosasc Medicine Hats
7 The Lipizzan is bred in this country.
a Polandb Austriac former Yugoslavia
8 A Portuguese breed trained in the Spanish School.
a Lusitanob Andalusianc Sorraia

Happy Harold wants to help our lost little friend get back to the stable. Please help Happy Harold and our friend in their travels.
puzz8-99.JPG - 144,356 Bytes

Published August 1999 in the North West Breyer Horse Club newsletter.
More in the next newsletter.

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Animated horse-drawn wagon © 1997-2007 NW Breyer Horse Club
& Refiner of Gold Creations

Equinealities in place since 1997,
Section in place 2001,
Updated 2/10/2007
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