Unicorn Poems

Perfect Heart of A Unicorn

by L Duncon

By a crystal stream
beats the timid heart
of the gentle creature,
forgotten by time.
Yet, the dragon flies
awaken to whisper
of her quiet approach
while stirring only the dew.
As if to kiss her tiny foal
the lily white mare breaths
a sweet puff of breath onto
his velvety little cheeks.
Stretching her arms and wings aflutter,
a fairy emerges
from the warmth nestled
in a white blanket of mane.
Even the morning sun glowing
brighter with each passing minute,
Cannot compare to the
sparkle of their horns.
The sparkle reflected by these pure
and magnificient beings
makes a golden crown,
seem unpolished and dull.
These two hearts beat like no other,
for they beat in unison
with nature the
perfect heart of a unicorn.


by William J Smith

The Unicorn with the long white horn
Is beautiful and wild.
He gallops across the forest green
So quickly that he's seldom seen
Where Peacocks their blue feathers preen
And strawberries grow wild.
He flees the hunter and the hounds,
Upon black earth his white hoof pounds,
Over cold mountain streams he bounds
And comes to a meadow mild:
There, wehre he kneels to take his nap,
He lays his head in a lady's lap
As gently as a child.

The Last Unicorn

by K Knutson

Soft tendrils of a silver mane,
Brilliant blue eyes, glistening like rain.
A touch of the softest of white,
A wondrous coat, shining so bright.
A spiraling horn, entwined with gold,
A gentle being that shall never grow old.
She prances within a moonlit glade,
Then among the tiny sprites she lay.
The purest of souls this one being owns,
Always understands, never condones.
A heart so gentle, a love so strong
She is one who will never go wrong.
A creature of hope, a heavenly sight,
This beast, this pure being of light.
She is the only one with the golden horn,
She is the very last unicorn.

My Unicorn

by J Hudson

Before me in a field of green,
Appears a radiant shining dream.
It dances around so light and fair,
As if it glides upon the air.
A coat so shimmering, shining white,
A horn so brightly golden, it gives off light.
So pure of heart, so full of life
my unicorn dances off into the night.
Come back! Come back, come back I say,
Please come back so we can play.
Slowly he turns and shakes his head,
"I cannot with you stay and play but
I leave with you this instead.
A pure heart, a peaceful soul,
and dreams yet to be born,
Just don't ever stop believing in the Unicorn."
He turned then and danced out of my sight,
He left me there, but not alone that night.
For in my heart there'll always be,
The memory of my Unicorn and me.

Unicorn Song

by S Silverstein sang by The Irish Rovers

(Background tune)

A long time ago when the Earth was green,
There were more kinds of animals that you'd ever seen
They'd run around free when the Earth was being born,
But the loveliest of them all was the Unicorn.

There was green alligators and long necked geese,
Some humpty-back camels and some chimpanzees,
Some cats and rats and elephants, but sure as you're born,
The loveliest of them all was the Unicorn.

Now God seen some sinning and it gave Him pain.
And He says, "stand back, I'm gonna make it rain."
He says, "Hey Brother Noah, I'll tell you what to do,
Build me a floating zoo."

And take me some green alligators and long necked geese,
Some humpty-back camels and some chimpanzees,
Some cats and rats and elephants, but sure as you're born,
Don't you forget my Unicorn.

Old Noah was there to answer the call,
He finished up making the ark just as the rain started fallin,
He marched in the animals two by two,
And he called out as they went through:

"Hey Lord, I got your green alligators and long necked geese,
Some humpty-back camels and chimpanzees,
Some cats and rats and elephants, but Lord, I'm so forlorn,
I just can't see no Unicorn!"

Then, Noah looked out through the driving rain,
Them Unicorns were hiding, playing silly games.
Kicking and splashing while the rain was pouring,
Oh, them silly Unicorns!

There were green alligators and long necked geese,
Some humpty-back camels and some chimpanzees,
Noah cried, "Close the door cause the rain is pouring,
And we just can't wait for no Unicorn!"

The ark started moving, it drifted with the tide;
Them Unicorns looked up from the rocks and they cried,
And the waters came down and sort of floated them away.
And, that's why you've never seen a Unicorn to this very day!

You'll see green alligators and long necked geese,
Some humpty-back camels and some chimpanzees,
Some cats and rats and elephants, but sure as you're born,
You're never gonna see no Unicorn!

Rainbow Unicorn

by Blackmist

Rainbows trickle down his mane
In the gentle falling rain
As he steps upon the stones
A tiny mouse stirs within his home
A flower slowly opens up
Revealing a glittering rose bud
As he climbs the mountain side
Nature reveals all her hidden beauty
Within the presence of eternal purity
Walking silently through the mountain range
A Unicorn, in the gently falling rain
With the last rays of the setting sun
The glitterling Unicorn takes flight and runs
And the raindrops in his mane
Reflect rainbow prisms in the sun's dying rays.

The Winged Unicorn

by Shocker

The gold of the horn and the hooves is so bright,
That is seems to glow on the darkest night.
Its fur is so black it's like a hole in the sky,
When this strange winged creature flies right by.
It eats only grass and has a power so strong,
That it can make right what has been done wrong.
It can bring back to life any creature that's dead,
With the single horn growing out of its head.
It will live forever but you'll probably never see,
This beautiful creature described by me.

The Unicorns

by K L McGinley

In mythical legend they stand alone,
The most majestic creatures I've ever known.
Never sighted they fly high above,
Full of passions, magic, grace and love.
A heart of silver, precious and pure,
No human can touch them, they can be sure.
For they have wings which wisk them away,
To a far secret land where only they stay.
A white mane embedded with tales,
Of fairies, adventures and heroic males.
Stories all entrusted to this marvelous creatures,
Your thoughts and secrets it will never feature.
A horn which has more meaning than gold,
It could never be stolen, auctioned or sold.
For it is for the one and only unicorn,
Its magical gift, given when born.
A unicorn's death happens every day,
From myths and legends we all stray.
Only in old and dusty books the animal's alive,
Without imagination it will not survive.


by Paige

I search for words to describe it,
I found that there were none,
I tried beauty and joyous,
but they didn't fit,
So then I tried, Unicorn.
This creature had beauty and grace,
but those words don't really describe it,
This creature as lovely as lace.
I thought of the name piece by piece,
the Uni stands for unique,
special, pretty, smart.
And what does the corn stand for?
I don't know,
It just rhymes with horn,
That's all.

The Unicorn Dream

by Suzy

Every night I dream,
Silent footfalls in my sleep,
Flitting through the rising mist,
I see glimpses; brilliant white.
Dream eyes watch me search,
Still, noiseless figures in the trees,
They understand the need,
They know it's all in vain.
Countless times I've tried, Just one glance would be enough,
An endless game,
The winner; no knows.
I command, I ask, I plead,
Nothing seems to work,
He doesn't feel my want,
As the mists part yet again.
I give up and sit,
Tears coursing down my cheeks,
And he steps out, and I finally see
My life, my love, my timeless Unicorn.

The Unicorn

by E Young

While yet the Morning Star
Flamed in the sky
A unicorn went mincing by,
Whiter by far than blossom of the thorn:
His silver horn
Glittered as he danced and pranced
Silver-pale in the silver-pale morn.
The folks that saw him, ran away.
Where he went, so gay, so fleet,
Star-like lilies at his feet
Flowered all day,
Lilies, lilies in a throng,
And the wind made for him a song:
But he dared not stay

The Land of the Unicorns

I awoke one morning,
/ to a land that was new.
Where the clouds were white,
and the sky a soft blue.
This land was strange,
there was nothing I knew.
So I sat there on the soft,
green moss,
and contemplated what to do.
But then,
out of the corner of my eye,
I saw a shimmer.
The light came from the trees.
So pure, so beautiful,
but barely visible through
the thick leaves.
It was a pale white,
and sparkled like the dawn,
peeking up through the night.
Then I saw,
what had caused the light.
It was a peaceful unicorn
walking gracefully through the night.
At first I was frightened.
But then my fear was no more.
The unicorn came to talk to me
and made me awe all the more.
He said, "Dear child, be not afraid.
Here in the Land of Unicorns
we do whatever you bade.
While here be peaceful and calm.
Let no troubles enter your mind.
You are welcome here."
I most humbly replied,
"Thank you, kind sir, I will do as you say,
now please, let me get on your back;
Take me away."
He didn't reply, only shook his head.
Then softly walked off
as I layed down on my soft green bed.

Above poems/song published June 1999 in the North West Breyer Horse Club newsletter. (ma)

Unicorn Song

by Jim Valley

"If I were a unicorn,
I would fly high up in the sky
With a golden horn that is always worn
By the most beautiful unicorn.

"She sees rainbows 'round the flowers
With magical powers she flies for hours
She'll go to underland or sail to the moon
All in one afternoon.

"If I were a unicorn,
I would fly high up in the sky
With a golden horn that is always worn
By the most beautiful unicorn.

"She sits by the flowers
And dreams in crystal showers
She slides down rainbows and explores
The wonderful outdoors.

"If I were a unicorn,
I would fly high up in the sky
With a golden horn that is always worn
By the most beautiful unicorn.
With a golden horn that is always worn
By the most beautiful unicorn."

Jim Valley & The Rainbow Planet

For more information on related mythical creatures visit:

For more information on unicorns visit:

Sources for most of this information were found on the internet.

Published June 1999 in the North West Breyer Horse Club newsletter. (ma)
(Jim Valley's Unicorn Song lyrics were not published in the NWBHC newsletter.)

Animated horse-drawn wagon © 1997-2018 NW Breyer Horse Club
& Refiner of Gold Creations

Equinealities in place since 1997,
Section in place 2001,
Updated 2/19/2018
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