
Originating from the Latium and Tuscany region of Italy, this meso-dolichomorphic horse is used as a riding horse, and for light draft and farm work. It is hardy, frugal, resistant to rough weather and terrain conditions, and it makes a good jumper. The Mediterranean Maremmana is of national importance in Italy, and it has a well-balanced, energetic, enduring temperament. It is the utility horse of Tuscany.

Developed in the 19th century as a utility horse, the Maremmana does not have an entirely fixed type. Also it is not an indigenous horse to Italy. It has an early Neapolitan background with a great deal of cross-breeding. During the 19th century, English horses, some Norfolk Roadsters, were introcuded. Spanish horses added to the size and improved the quality of the Neapolitan base stock. The Barb added great stamina and hardiness and influenced its tenacious spirit. From the Norfolk Roadster, the Maremmana inherited improved action and soundness.

The Maremmana is raised in the wild state and it is the classic mount of the cattlemen, butteri, in the Maremma region of Tuscany and Latium. It is solidly built, adapts to any kind of terrain no matter how awkwrad, and it is able to withstand foul weather. Recent contributions of English Thoroughbred blood has resulted in a more refined appearance an increased height. The qualities of hardiness and exceptional stamina that characterized the classic breed have suffered by this crossing. This modern version is known as the "improved" Maremmana. It is developing more toward the dolichomorphic type. The Maremmana has been crossed with Franches-Montagnes (Frieberger) stallions in the Italian province of Pesaro. The result is called the Catria Horse.

Standing from 15 to 15.3 hands high, the Maremmana is usually bay, brown, burnt chestnut or black, and rarely grey or roan. Its head is long and slightly heavy with an ewe-like profile. Its muscular neck is of a good length, and quite broad at the base. The withers are high and well-muscled and the back is short and straight. Its loins are short and the croup is sloping. It has a full chest and nicely sloping shoulder. Its solid, sturdy legs have good joints, and the breed exhibits the correct natural stance. There is adequate bone in the legs and the hock and knee joints are well-defined. The well-shaped and proportioned hoof is of strong horn. It is not considered a handsome horse and its conformation is not generally impressive, but the best individuals of the breed are quite well suited to a variety of tasks.

Even though the Maremanna has no breeding standard, it has inherited some particular qualities. It is an economical and serviceable animal with versitality, capable of use under the saddle and for light draft. It is solid and steady with a good temper, capable of working with cattle. The Maremmana is the favorite mount of the butteri (Italian cowboy) and it has been employed in agriculture and as a mount for Italian police. This horse of great endurance has been bred as a police and troop horse. This light draught or heavy saddle hors is a good steady working horse that is both hardy and economical to keep.

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Published August 2001 in the North West Breyer Horse Club newsletter. (em)

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