Animated horse-drawn wagon

Caninealities Articles

      Welcome to Refiner's N.W.B.H.C. animal breed article archives. In response the introduction of Breyer's Companion animals, a series of articles were written about Canines. Articles about canines not represented in the Breyer line will also be presented here as well. Canine figures have also been produced by Hartland, Hagen Renaker, other companies, and individual artisans.

      Caninealities is the coined term for "Canine Personalities" and these are represented in the breeds and types of dogs and other canine family members. Also included here will be articles on mythological canines, lore and legends, and tidbits of caninological interest.

© 1997-2018 NW Breyer Horse Club & Refiner of Gold Creations
Equinealities in place since 1997, Section in place 2001, Updated 3/18/2018
Mule Team